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Section 2:

Newest Research and RCT Studies

Section 2

Research and Validation Studies Summaries

Nurturing Parenting Programs Research and Validation Studies - 2015 to 1983

Randomized Controlled Trial is a controlled trial study in which participants are assigned to a study group. In a randomized controlled trial, participants are assigned to treatment conditions at random. Procedures are controlled to ensure that all participants in all study groups are treated the same except for the factor that is unique to their group. The unique factor is the type of intervention they receive.


The primary goal of conducting an RCT is to test whether an intervention works by comparing it to a control condition, usually either no intervention or an alternative intervention.

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Cherry, K, Cooper, C, Cross-Hemmer, A, Duong, T, Furrer, C, Green, B, Rockhill, A, Rodgers, A, "Executive Summary: Oregon's IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project." Relationship-Based Visitation & Parent Mentor Evaluations. Center for the Improvement of Child and Family Services Portland State University. December 2015


Cherry, K, Cooper, C, Cross-Hemmer, A, Duong, T, Furrer, C, Green, B, Rockhill, A, Rodgers, A, "Oregon's IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project: Final Evaluation Report." Relationship-Based Visitation & Parent Mentor Evaluations. Center for the Improvement of Child and Family Services Portland State University. December 2015


Illinois Birth Through Three Waiver: "Developmentally Informed Child and Family Interventions IB3." Semiannual Progress Report. Prepared for the Children's Bureau, Submitted by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. July 31, 2015

Pre-Post Test Design Studies

Pre-Post is essentially administering the AAPI and NSCS before a Nurturing Parenting Program begins and when it ends to measure statistically significant gains made by the parents. This is a basic research design.


Download Nurturing Parenting Validation Studies Summary - 2014 to 1983

Articles Dated Current to 2001 (Click an article title to download PDF)

Daire, Andrew P., Greenridge, Wendy L., The University of Central Florida “A Cross Cultural Investigation of the Nurturing Father’s Program Outcomes.” 2014

Daire, Andrew P., Greenridge, Wendy L., Johnson, Nicola, The University of Central Florida “Parental Attitudes and Behaviors of Participants in the Nurturing Father’s Program.” 2014


Bavolek, S., Keene, R., Miranda, G., Radcliff, J. Prevention and Early Intervention Component of Imperial County, “Implementation of the Nurturing Parenting Programs with Latino Families in Imperial County, California.” 3 year report. June 2009 - July 2012. January 4, 2013

Brotherson, S., Saxena, D., Tichy, A. North Dakota State University – Fargo, ND. “Nurturing Parenting Program in North Dakota. Project Overview and Year-End Report for 2010-2011.” March 2012

International Rescue Committee, Research and Validation, “Family based intervention against child abuse and neglect for young parents involved in a youth and livelihoods program in Liberia: A Pilot project to build evidence around the potential for parenting skills training to protect children from abuse, neglect and exploitation.” International Rescue Committee. New York, NY. November 2011

Montañez, M., Devall, E., VanLeeuwen, D., “Social Capital: Strengthening Mexican-American Families Through Parenting Education” Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 102, NO. 3, 2010

Bavolek, S.J., "Nurturing the Families of Hawaii: Program to Build Nurturing Parenting Skills for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect." Final Report for FY 2008-09 submitted to Department of Human Services, Honolulu, HI. August, 2009


Bavolek, S.J., "Nurturing the Families of Hawaii: Three Year Program to Build Nurturing Parenting Skills for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect." Final Report for FY 2005-08 submitted to the Department of Human Services, HI. February, 2009


Houston, N., "Evaluation of a Family-Centered Parenting Program for Culturally Diverse High-Risk Families." Nova Southeastern University. January, 2008


Devall, E., “Positive Parenting for High-Risk Families.” Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 96(4), 2004


Welinske, D., “Solano County California Family Strengthening Program” Final Report, 2003


Matlak, S., “A quantitative Analysis of Pikes Peak Family Connections Nurturing Parenting Program” Research Report, 2003


Vespo, J.E., Capece, D., Behforooz, B., “Effects of the Nurturing Curriculum (Developing Nurturing Skills K-12 School-Based Curricula®) on Social, Emotional, and Academic Behaviors in Kindergarten Classrooms” Abstract, 2002


Cowen, P.S., “Effectiveness of a Parent Education Intervention for At-Risk Families.” Journal of the Society for Pediatric Nursing, 6 (2), 73-82, 2001

Articles Dated 1995 to 1985 (Click an article title to download PDF)

Comparative Program Design Studies

Comparative studies compares the effectiveness of the Nurturing Parenting Program with another program to determine which program received better gains.

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Vespo, J.E., Capece, D., Behforooz, B, “Effects of the Nurturing Curriculum on Social, Emotional, and Academic Behaviors in Kindergarten Classrooms” Journal of Research in Childhood Education 2006, Vol. 20, No. 4


Bavolek, S.J., Keene, R., Weikert, P., “The Florida Study: A Comparative Examination of the Effectiveness of the Nurturing Parenting Programs” Research Report, 2005

Pre-Post Longitudinal Follow-Up Study

Pre-Post with Longitudinal Follow-Up assesses whether the gains made at posttest have been maintained by either administering a third AAPI at test for differences from posttest to longitudinal testing usually anywhere from 6 months to 2 years after the last class ended.

The key to this model is to determine if families have been re-charged with Child Abuse or Neglect since they ended their program. The goal of Nurturing Parenting Program is to stop the re-abuse of children in families who completed the Nurturing Parenting Program.

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Birth & Beyond Home Visitation Program, "AmeriCorps Impact Evaluation." Sacramento Family Support Collaborative, December 2015.


Brock, Donna-Jean P., Marek, Lydia I., Matteo-Kerney, Cheryl, Bagby, Tammy, “Open Groups: Adaptations in Implementing a Parent Training Program” 2013.


Birth & Beyond Home Visitation Program, Nurturing Parenting Program Child Protective Services, Outcomes Report, July 2010 through June 2013, “The 2010-2013 Outcomes Study for the Birth & Beyond Program has retained the same methodology used each year, with variations and enhancements as resources permitted.”  Family Support Collaborative. Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento, North Highlands, Ca. October 2013. Submitted by: LPC Consulting Associates, Inc., Sacraments Ca. 95811


Maher, E. J., Marcynyszyn, L. A., Corwin, T. W., & Hodnett, R. (2011). Dosage matters: The relationship between participation in the Nurturing Parenting Program for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers and subsequent child maltreatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 1426-1434. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.04.014

Maher, E. J., Corwin, T. W., Hodnett, R., & Faulk, K. (in-press). A cost-savings analysis of a statewide parenting education program in child welfare. Research on Social Work Practice.

Hodnett, R.H., Faulk, K., Dellinger, A,, Maher, E, Evaluation of the Statewide Implementation of a Parent Education Program in Louisiana’s Child Welfare Agency, 2009


Palusci, V.J., Crum, P., Bliss, R. & Bavolek, S.J., Changes in Parenting Attitudes and Knowledge Among Inmates and Other At-Risk Populations After a Family Nurturing Program, Children and Youth Services Review 2007, doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2007.06.006


Matteo-Kerney, C., Benjamin, S. “Rural Virginia Family Nurturing Project: Five Year Evaluation Results”, Abstract 2003


Safe Child, Raleigh NC, “An Evaluation of the Nurturing Parenting Program at Safe Child” Executive Summary, 2002


Wagner, K.F., “Parenting Education and Child Welfare Recidivism: A Comparative Study of the Nurturing Parenting Program Graduates and Non-Graduates of Fresno County” Abstract, May 2001


Family Service of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, “Outcome Evaluation of Family Service of Milwaukee Parenting Education Programs” Technical Report, 1997


Broyles, G., Easter, L., Primak, K., Shackford, L., “Nurturing Program Follow-Up Study: Boulder County Department of Social Services Nurturing Program” Research Report, 1992


Primer, V., “Long-Term Impact of the Nurturing Parenting Program: A Comparison of Parenting Attitudes of Abuse and Neglectful Parents Pre-Program, Post-Program, and at One Year Post-Program Follow-Up” Research Report, 1991


Bavolek, S.J., McLaughlin, J.A., Comstock, C.M. “The Nurturing Parenting Programs: A Validated Approach for Reducing Dysfunctional Family Interactions” Final Report NIMH, 1983

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