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Teen Parents

Teen Parents

Download Nurturing Parenting Validation Studies Summary - 2014 to 1983


Articles Dated Current to 2001 (Click an article title to download PDF)

International Rescue Committee, Research and Validation, “Family based intervention against child abuse and neglect for young parents involved in a youth and livelihoods program in Liberia: A Pilot project to build evidence around the potential for parenting skills training to protect children from abuse, neglect and exploitation.” International Rescue Committee. New York, NY. November 2011


Articles Dated 1995 to 1985 (Click an article title to download PDF)


Alvy, K. & Steele, M., “AT&T sponsored Nurturing Parenting Program for Teen Parents” Research Report, 1992


Bavolek, S.J., “Building Nurturing Parenting Skills in Teen Parents: A Validation of the Nurturing Program for Teen Parents” Research Report, 1987


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