Birth to Five
Download Nurturing Parenting Validation Studies Summary - 2014 to 1983
Articles Dated Current to 2001 (Click an article title to download PDF)
Brotherson, S., Saxena, D., Tichy, A. North Dakota State University – Fargo, ND. “Nurturing Parenting Program in North Dakota. Project Overview and Year-End Report for 2010-2011.” March 2012
Bavolek, S.J., "Nurturing the Families of Hawaii: Program to Build Nurturing Parenting Skills for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect." Final Report for FY 2008-09 submitted to Department of Human Services, Honolulu, HI. August, 2009
Matlak, S., “A quantitative Analysis of Pikes Peak Family Connections Nurturing Parenting Program” Research Report, 2003
Cowen, P.S., “Effectiveness of a Parent Education Intervention for At-Risk Families.” Journal of the Society for Pediatric Nursing, 6 (2), 73-82, 2001
Articles Dated 1995 to 1985 (Click an article title to download PDF)
Bavolek, S.J., Henderson, H.L., and Shultz, B.B., “Reducing Chronic Neglect in Utah” Research Report, 1987
Bavolek, S.J., “Validation of the Nurturing Parenting Program for Parents and Children Birth to Five Years: Increasing the Nurturing Parenting Skills of Families in Head Start” Research Report, 1985